Grilled Scamorza Salad

Grilled Scamorza with Rocket and Aged Balsamic. Simple, easy and delicious. Pair any of your favourite greens, Olive oil and Balsamic.

Scamorza originated from Campania and is traditionally shaped into a pear or sausage-like form. We often grate it into our Parmigiana but when it’s grilled in slices, the outside becomes super crispy and caramelised while keeping the inside gooey and cheesy. Try it out for an irresistible combination of smoky flavours and cheesy goodness!

We buy Scamorza from Prezzemolo and Vitale or Natoora in Notting Hill.

*Alternatively you can get it from a website called ‘Nife Is Life’ who fly it in from Naples weekly.

View our video real here for the process.

charlotte chapuis